• April 19, 2023

Deciphering microbiomes from extreme environments for the improvement of crop resilience to climate change, food security and safety – MiCroResi  

Deciphering microbiomes from extreme environments for the improvement of crop resilience to climate change, food security and safety – MiCroResi  

Deciphering microbiomes from extreme environments for the improvement of crop resilience to climate change, food security and safety – MiCroResi   960 540 SUS-MIRRI.IT

 This meeting is aimed at show the general program of partners participation to complete the main goals of this project (download HERE the Schedule).

KICK-OFF MEETING of MiCroResi PROJECT – Deciphering microbiomes from extreme environments for the improvement of crop resilience to climate change, food security and safety – MiCroResi

19 April 2023

  • At 10:00 GMT-5 (Peru)
  • 11:00 GMT-4 (Bolivia)
  • 17:00 GMT+2 (Italy, Spain)
  • 18:00 GMT+3 (Turkey)

This meeting is aimed at show the general program of partners participation to complete the main goals of this project.

During the meeting Cristina Varese will present the role of JRU MIRRI-IT within the project.

Title of the presentation: The MIRRI Italian Research Infrastructure to support the MiCroResi project “Deciphering microbiomes from extreme environments for the improvement of crop resilience to climate change, food security and safety”

Join the Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 890 9870 0821

Passcode: 312658