
Training courses – Full Calendar

Università degli Studi della Basilicata, 13-15th June 2023

OU: University of Basilicata
Date: 13-15 June 2023
Title: Analysis of meta-taxonomic data: a workflow in R

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Università degli studi di Perugia, 10-13th July 2023

OU: University of Perugia
Date: 10th-13th July 2023
Title: Molecular identification of yeasts and morphological, physiological and industrial characterization.
In presence

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University of Genoa, 28th September 2023

OU: 16 – University of Genoa
Date: 28th September 2023
Title: Introduction to forensic mycology.
In presence

University of Turin, 27th October 2023

OU: 01 – University of Turin
Date: 27th October 2023 – ONLINE
Title: Recent advancements in the study of microbial strains of human origin (molecular and non-molecular based methods, MALDI-TOF, IR-spectroscopy). Applications for identification, typing and evaluation of pathogenicity features.


ENEA, Portici Research Centers, January 15.16, 2024

UO: 11 – ENEA – Centro Ricerche Portici
Date: 15-16 January 2024
Title: Growth of microalgal species: Influence of growth parameters, analytics and case

University of Turin, 22-24 January 2024

OU: 01 – University of Turin
Date: 22-24 January 2024
Title: Application of metagenomic approaches to assess food quality and safety


University of Turin, 23 January 2024

OU: 01 – University of Turin
Date: 23 January 2024
Title: Isolation and identification of Plant Pathogens based on biological and molecular techniques

University of Turin, 26 January 2024

OU: 01 – University of Turin
Date: 23 January 2024
Title: Title: Recent advancements in the study of microbial strains of animal origin (molecular and non-molecular based methods). Applications for identification, typing and evaluation of resistance phenomena and pathogenicity features.

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CNR-IRS Verbania
Date: 22-24 April 2024
Title: Study of microbial communities in freshwater: from isolation to -omics

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Module 1: Aquatic microbial communities isolation and assessment methods.
attachement 1attachement 2attachement 3

Module 2. Protein identification through nLC-HRMS proteomics and bioinformatic analysis of large protein datasets
attachement 1attachement 2

Module 3. high throughput sequence analysis of amplicon sequencing data (metabarcoding) and analyses of the communities in terms of diversity and composition
attachement 1 

UO: 15 – Università degli Studi di Cagliari

Title: Identification and probiotic characterization of lactic acid bacteria

In presence

Calendar of the new training course set up during SUS-MIRRI.IT

  • OU: 14 – University of Basilicata
    Date: 13th-15th June 2023
    Title: Analysis of meta-taxonomic data: a workflow in R.
  • OU: 19 – University of Naples Federico II
    Date: 19th-21st June 2023
    Title: Introductory course on recognition of cyanobacteria and algae.
    In presence
  • OU: 21 – University of Perugia
    Date: 10th-13th July 2023
    Title: Molecular identification of yeasts and morphological, physiological and industrial Characterization.
    In presence
  • OU: 16 – University of Genoa
    Date: 28th September 2023
    Title: Introduction to forensic mycology.
    In presence
  • OU: 01 – University of Turin
    Date: 27th October 2023
    Title: Recent advancements in the study of microbial strains of human origin (molecular and non-molecular based methods, MALDI-TOF, IR-spectroscopy). Applications for identification, typing and evaluation of pathogenicity features.
  • OU: 10 + 09 – ENEA – Centro Ricerche Casaccia + ENEA – Centro Ricerche Brindisi
    Date: 27th-28th November 2023
    Title: Isolation, cultivation, preservation and characterization of bacteria, fungi and virus: microbial-based biotechnological solutions (MBBS) in agri-food, environmental, cultural heritage, energy and pharmaceutical fields.
    Module 1: Microorganisms’ isolation, cultivation, and preservation approaches.
    Module 2: Genotypic and phenotypic characterization.
    Module 3: Applications of microorganisms in agri-food, environmental, cultural heritage and pharmaceutical fields.
    Module 4: Cases study related to EU and national projects.
    Hybrid mode
  • OU: 11 – ENEA – Centro Ricerche Portici
    Date: 15th-16th January 2024
    Title: Growth of microalgal species: Influence of growth parameters, analytics and case studies.
  • OU: 01 – University of Turin
  • Date: 22nd-24th January 2024
    Title: Application of metagenomic approaches to assess food quality and safety.
  • Date: 23rd January 2024
    Title: Isolation and identification of Plant Pathogens based on biological and molecular techniques.
  • Date: 26th January 2024
    Title: Recent advancements in the study of microbial strains of animal origin (molecular and non-molecular based methods). Applications for identification, typing and evaluation of resistance phenomena and pathogenicity features.
  • OU: 11 – ENEA – Centro Ricerche Portici
    Date: 5th-7th February 2024
    Title: Extraction and characterization of microalgal species: u-HPLC/GC analytics and case studies.
  • OU: 14 – University of Basilicata
    Date: 12th-16th February 2024
    Module 1: Protocol for selecting starter culture for fermented beverages: scale-up from laboratory to pilot scale.
    Module 2: Metabolism of lactic acid bacteria: bioreactor cultivation strategies, metabolites production and improvement of performances.
    In presence
  • OU: 01 – University of Turin
    Date: 19th February 2024
    Title: Spectroscopic techniques (HRMS, NMR, NIR) combined with Machine Learning methods of interpretation of metabolomic big data to obtain information on microbial strains industrial applications.
  • OU: 12 – ENEA – Centro Ricerche Trisaia
    Date: 4th-8th March 2024
    Title: Applicative aspects in the management of bioreactors in fermentation processes: scaling-up of the production of microbial biomass from the laboratory to the pilot plants.
    In presence

Calendar of the next new training course set up during SUS-MIRRI.IT


  • UO: 24 – Università degli Studi di Verona

Title: Taxonomic approaches and identification procedures of prokaryotes.

Title: The biofilm: structure, characteristics and methodological approaches for investigation


  • UO: 08 – CNR, Istituto di Ricerca Sulle Acque (CNRIRSA), Sede di Verbania

Title: Module1: aquatic microbial communities isolation and assessment methods.

Module 2: protein identification through nLC-HRMS proteomics and real data-based bioinformatic analysis of large protein datasets. Module 3: high throughput sequence analysis of amplicon sequencing data (metabarcoding) and analyses of the communities in terms of diversity and composition. This can apply to bacteria, fungi, and meiofauna. R-based course with packages DADA2, vegan, ggplot2, phyloseq. Possibility of an introductive module on the use of R. Hands-on and Q&A final session with UO data


  • UO: 23 – Università degli Studi di Sassari

Title: Module1: Management and conservation of microbial communities of food interest

Module 2: Procedures and processes for the certification of collections.

In presence

  • UO: 14 – Università degli Studi della Basilicata

Title: Module 1: Protocol for selecting starter culture for fermented beverages: scale-up from laboratory to pilot scale.

Module 2: Metabolism of lactic acid bacteria: bioreactor cultivation strategies, metabolites production and improvement of performances

In presence

  • UO: 05 – CNR, Istituto di Biologia e Biotecnologia Agraria, IBBA, Pisa

Title: Characterization of microorganisms useful for agro-food and environmental applications


  • UO: 02 – CNR, Istituto di Scienza dell’Alimentazione, ISA, Avellino

Title: Microbial biobanks: building, preservation and application

In presence

  • UO: 03 – CNR, Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante, IPSP, Bari

Title: Characterization by electron microscopy of yeast cells expressing viral proteins

In presence


  • UO: 15 – Università degli Studi di Cagliari

Title: Identification and probiotic characterization of lactic acid bacteria

In presence


  • UO: 04 – CNR, Istituto di Scienze delle Produzioni Alimentari, ISPA, BARI

Title: Module1: Identification and characterization of toxigenic fungi of agro-food interest. Module 2: Isolation and characterization of probiotic and pro-technological microorganisms. Module 3: Microbial culture collections: How to improve the quality management systems? – In presence

  • UO: 17 – Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

Title: Module 1: From isolation and molecular microbial characterization to storage and data collection for bacterial and viral isolates from human and environmental sources.

Module 2: Bioinformatics tools for functional and taxonomic characterisation of microbiomes

In presence


  • UO: 18 – Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia

Title: High-throughput characterization of food-related microorganisms



  • UO: 20 – Università degli Studi di Palermo

Title: Basic training course on conservation, propagation and application of customised starter cultures for local traditional agrifood SME. In presence 

  • UO: 07 – CNR, Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante – IPSP, TORINO

Title: Detection and diagnosis of plant viruses: biological assays, electron microscopy, PCR, LAMP

In presence

  • UO: 22 – Università degli Studi di Parma

Title: Culture independent quantitative techniques for the detection and quantification of lactic acid bacteria in foods. Topics: DNA extraction from complex matrices, primer and probe design for quantitative assays, primer validation, Real Time PCR or Digital PCR setup. In presence

Title: The phenotypic and genotypic characterization of food-borne lactic acid bacteria. Topics: genotypic characterization by REP-PCR, comparative analysis of electrophoretic profiles using Bionumerics software, phenotypic characterization with GENIII plates, analysis of phenotypic data with statistical software, entry of information into the microbial collection database. Hybrid